Microsoft Excel

Getting Started with Excel 2007

In this section you'll learn different useful techniques i.e: Customizing the Excel toolbars and pulldown menus. Taking the time to get the Excel toolbars and the pull-down menus the way you want them saves your valuable time when creating and editing your spreadsheets...

In this tutorial you'll learn the following techniques:

  • Techniques of inserting, deleting and renaming worksheets
  • Automatically move the cell pointer in any direction after pressing enter, change the number of Recent Documents, see headings as you scroll around a report, freeze top row, first column or freeze panes based on selection.
  • Spell checking a worksheet can go a long way towards eliminating typos that get by the program's AutoCorrect feature. Learn how to check spells, update dictionary, use custom dictionary and more.
  • Find and Replace feature to quickly locate every occurrence of a specific string (a series of characters) in a worksheet and then have Excel actually update the cells that it finds with new text or numbers.
  • Parts of Excel's window, Ribbon user interface, shortcut menus, dialog boxes and how to navigate Excel worksheets.
  • Overview of what's new and what's changed in Excel 2007.
  • Customizing the Excel toolbars and pulldown menus. Taking the time to get the Excel toolbars and the pull-down menus the way you want them saves your valuable time when creating and editing your spreadsheets.