
Explaining PivotTables

PivotTables are one of the wildest but most powerful features of Excel that may take some experimentation to figure out. When you first use a PivotTable, the process can seem a bit daunting. Some persistence is definitely necessary.


Nest Dynamic Named Ranges with Match Function

A dynamic named range that resides within another dynamic named range can be very useful for things such as long lists of names.


Find and List Named Ranges

Excel enables users to give meaningful names to specific ranges in their worksheets. As the number of different named ranges on a worksheet grows, you will need tools for identifying the areas referenced by your named ranges.


Dynamic Named Ranges

Dynamic range is a way to create a named range that can automatically expand and contract to the size of your data. It is useful when you want to use the range in formulas, charts, or PivotTables without having to update it manually every time you add or delete data.


Define Names to Store a Value or Formula

Although referencing data by name is convenient, it’s sometimes more helpful to store a constant value or even a formula, especially if you’ve been creating custom functions in VBA.


Use the Same Name to Ranges on Multiple Worksheets

Usually, when you name a range, the name is at the workbook level, meaning that one name refers to a specified range on a specified worksheet wherever it is used in the workbook. Once the name has been used, it cannot be used again to represent a range on another worksheet. There is a way around this, however.


Address Data by Name

Although cell numbers are at the foundation of everything Excel does, but sometimes you may want to use more descriptive names for your cells (or ranges), such as "Item Number" and "Quantity", instead of "A1:A100". This can make your formulas and references easier to understand and maintain. Excel allows you to create and use names for your cells, ranges, tables, and other objects. You’ll learn how to create and manage Names in Excel in this article.


Creating and Calling Stored Procedures

In MySQL, a procedure is a named collection of SQL statements that can be stored and executed on the database server. Procedures are used to encapsulate a set of actions or operations that you want to perform on the database. They are typically used for repetitive tasks, complex operations, or to improve code organization and reusability.


Stored Programs

MySQL’s Stored Programs are reusable SQL code blocks that can be executed with a single call. Often used for complex database operations, allowing you to encapsulate logic and enhance database efficiency.


Format Date and Time Values

Date and time formatting in Excel allows you to display the values of cells, reports, or charts that contain date or time data in different ways. You can use the built-in formats or create your own custom formats to suit your needs.