Anonymous function
You can use anonymous functions in PHP since version 5.4. They are called anonymous functions because, unlike regular functions, they don’t have a function name. You can define an anonymous function the way you define a named function, the only difference is that you don’t assign a name to the function.:
<?php # named traditional/regular function function double($a){ return $a * 2; } # anonymous function $var = function($a) { return $a * 2; }; echo double(2); # 4 echo $var(3); # 6
An anonymous function can assign to a variable and then you can use the variable name to execute the anonymous function or it can pass as a parameter of another function.
<?php $array = [ ['username' => 'BrainBell', 'email' => ''], ['username' => 'ADMIN', 'email' => ''], ['username' => 'Team', 'email' => ''] ]; $usernames = array_map( function ($array) { return $array['username']; }, $array ); print_r($usernames); # Array ( [0] => BrainBell [1] => ADMIN [2] => Team )
Arrow function
Arrow functions were introduced in PHP 7.4. They are the shorthand form of the anonymous function. Like anonymous functions, the arrow function supports the same features.
<?php # Anonymous function $anon = function($a) { return $a * 2; }; echo $anon(5); # 10
The anonymous function in the above code can be rewritten as an arrow function like this:
<?php # Arrow function $arrow = fn($a) => $a * 2; echo $arrow(5); # 10
The function
keyword is shortened to fn
, no curly braces are needed, and the return
keyword is not required.
As described in the PHP documentation: Arrow functions support the same features as anonymous functions, except that using variables from the parent scope is always automatic.
Arrow functions can access variables from the parent scope but anonymous can not, see the following example:
<?php $m = 2; $arrow = fn ($a) => $a * $m; echo $arrow(5); # 10
Anonymous functions can access variables from the parent scope by using the use
<?php $m = 2; $anon = function($a) use ($m) { return $a * $m; }; echo $anon(5); # 10
For more information, read the Closures in PHP tutorial.
Nesting arrow functions:
<?php $m = 2; $arrow = fn($a) => fn($b) => $a * $b * $m; echo $arrow(5)(3); # 30
When to use anonymous and arrow functions
Anything that requires a temporary function that you probably will only use once. I would use them for callbacks, for functions such as preg_replace_callback
and usort
Example: Using anonymous function with preg_replace_callback function
<?php # Anonymous function example $text = "<p>some text</p>"; $rtxt = preg_replace_callback( '|<p>(.*?)</p>|', function ($m) { return strtoupper($m[1]); }, $text); echo $rtxt; # Prints: SOME TEXT
Example: Using arrow function with preg_replace_callback function
<?php # Arrow function example $text = "<p>some text</p>"; $rtxt = preg_replace_callback( '|<p>(.*?)</p>|', fn ($m) => strtoupper($m[1]), $text); echo $rtxt; # Prints: SOME TEXT
Example: Using anonymous function with usort
<?php # Anonymous function example $arr = ['100',3,7,1]; usort ($arr, function ($x , $y) { return $x > $y; }); print_r($arr); /* Prints: Array( [0] => 1 [1] => 3 [2] => 7 [3] => 100)*/
Example: Using arrow function with usort
<?php # Arrow function example $arr = ['100',3,7,1]; usort ($arr, fn ($x , $y) => $x > $y); print_r($arr); /* Prints: Array( [0] => 1 [1] => 3 [2] => 7 [3] => 100) */
User-defined functions: