How to use the clone keyword to clone an object and use the __clone magic method to customize the behavior of the cloning process.
Category: PHP
PHP is a scripting language that’s usually embedded or combined with HTML and has many excellent libraries that provide fast, customized access to DBMSs.
Abstract Classes vs. Interfaces
In this tutorial, we explain the difference between abstract classes and interfaces.
OOP Interfaces
An interface is very similar to an abstract class, but it has no properties and cannot define how methods are to be implemented. Instead, it is simply a list of methods that must be implemented.
OOP Abstract Classes and Methods
An abstract class provides a partial implementation that other classes can build upon. In addition to normal class members, it may contain incomplete methods that must be implemented in child classes.
OOP Inheritance
One of the powerful concepts in object-oriented programming is inheritance. Inheritance allows a new class to be defined by extending the capabilities of an existing base class. PHP allows a new class to be created by extending an existing class with the extends keyword.
Static Variables and Methods
You can use the static keyword to declare class properties and methods. A static member can be accessed without having to create a new instance of the class. The instances of the class get the same value of a static variable because it belongs to the class, not the instance.
Class Constants
Learn how to define and use constants inside classes.
OOP Encapsulation and Visibility Modifiers
Encapsulation is just wrapping some data in an object. The term “encapsulation” is often used interchangeably with “information hiding”. PHP provides three visibility modifiers that you can use to control who can view and modify member variables as well as call member functions.
Class Constructor and Destructor
When an instance of a class is created the PHP engine executes the constructor method that builds the object with any existing properties and methods. And when the object is no longer needed or the script is finished executing, the PHP engine executes the destructor method and removes the object from the system’s memory.
Object Oriented Programming
Object-oriented programming assumes everything as an object. This tutorial covers how to declare, implement, and use classes.