Each Excel workbook you open comes with six predefined styles. The Normal style is the default style applied to every cell of every new workbook. Figure shows you the Style dialog box (Format > Style) displaying the different formatting attributes that the Normal style uses. Keep in mind that anytime you manually apply new formatting attributes to a cell, either with the buttons on the Formatting toolbar or the options in the Format Cells dialog box (Ctrl+1), these attributes are applied to the basic settings in effect from the cell's current style. If any of these manually selected attributes conflict with attributes set by the current style, they override and replace them.

The other predefined styles - Comma, Comma (0), Currency, Currency (0), and Percent - are all used to format cells containing numeric values with the most common number formats. As such, their particular styles define only a new Number setting - these styles don't change the Alignment, Font, Border, Patterns, or Protection settings. When you apply any of these styles, they replace the General number format set by the Normal style with that of their own.