An unordered list works exactly the same way that an ordered list does, but it simply uses the <ul>. . .</ul> (unordered list) element instead of the ordered list element (see Example 2-5). This tag allows the browser to display the list items with bullets rather than numbers.
Example 2-5. An unordered list
<p>Site sections include:</p> <ul> <li>Books</li> <li>CDs and DVDs</li> <li>Electronics</li> <li>Photographic Equipment</li> <li>Software</li> </ul>
I've used the closing list item </li> tag here, which is fine in HTML (where it's not required, but you can use it) and is necessary in XHTML.
Figure 2-5. An unordered list.
The browser has interpreted the <ul>. . .</ul> element properly by displaying bullets for each list item rather than a numeric value. There are options in CSS to change the style of the bullets, such as having square rather than round bullets.