Create a Navigation Bar in Adobe Photoshop and ImageReady
In this tutorial you'll learn a variety of techniques for creating visually exciting graphics that support and enhance navigation. Slice a navigation bar and optimize each slice as a separate GIF or JPEG.
How to create a javascript rollover
Rollover animations are graphics that change as you pass the mouse over a specific spot onscreen
Image Optimization and Red-Eye Tool
Red eye happens when the light from the camera flash reflects off the subject's retina. It can make for a disturbingly demonic image
Professional's Studio
In this tutorial, I'll try to give you some insight into the workspace, workflow, and workday of a professional image retoucher.
Special Colors in Photoshop
In the day-to-day world of commercial retouching, you'll often be asked to work with special colors.
Something from Nothing
One of the most difficult challenges of retouching is creating something that doesn't already exist.
Shadows and Light
Creating realistic shadows from scratch can present a real challenge.
Preparing Images for Use on Packaging Materials
One area that appears to have a bright future for Photoshop users is preparing images for use on various print mediums. This may include packaging and carton work, and printing on various substrates, plastics, large format posters, and prints.
Preparing Images for Newsprint
We'll discuss the retouching techniques we use to prepare images for newspaper so they really stand out.
Merging Images
At some point in the process of composition, you'll have to create a crop mask for an image. Masking is typically done by creating a selection with the Pen tool, the Lasso tool, or by using the mask mode to paint in a mask.
Making Low Res Look High
So in a situation when you have an image that looks terrific but has to be enlarged to a great degree, you can increase the size of the image and help it along with some retouching so it looks a lot better at the larger size.
Corrections and Improvements
Making corrections that can not only make that banana appear more yellow, but add greater shape and pizzazz so it really stands out.
Getting Started with Adobe FireWorks
Fireworks is valuable software for developing Website content. Whether you are a professional Web developer or a Web graphic designer, you'll find the features of Macromedia Fireworks user-friendly and very handy.