PC Hardware

Temp Files

Many applications need to store data on a temporary basis. To do this, temporary files are created and stored in the same directory. All temp files have the extension .TMP and are usually found in the Windows/Temp directory. This directory can be changed at any time by adding the statement SET TEMP=<PATH> to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.

It is a good idea to periodically clean out the temp files by deleting them. Be careful when doing this, because one or more of them might be in use. In general, as long as you delete any temporary files created before the current computer session, they will not be in use. There are two ways to automatically remove temporary files. One is to create a batch file to delete the contents of the temporary directory and run it from the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. The other is to create a RAMDrive and store the temporary folder in that drive.

To make a RAMDrive, and command Windows to save all temp files to the RAMDrive, add the following to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file:

 Device=c:\dos\ramdrive 1024
  md d:\temp
  SET TEMP=d:\temp
Which drive letter you use depends on the system and which drive letter is the next available.

Memory Configuration

Most intermittent lockups and General Protection Faults can be blamed on poor MS-DOS memory management. To minimize the possibility of lockups and GPFs, Windows provides a few solutions that you should be familiar with.

EMMExclude and EMMInclude

If you have exclude or include statements (such as to accommodate memory reserved for video cards) in your CONFIG.SYS file, they need corresponding EMMExclude and EMMInclude lines in your SYSTEM.INI file under the [386Enh] section.

Translation Buffers

Windows needs UMB (upper memory block) space for what are known as its translation buffers. Translation buffers are small storage areas of RAM that are used to support MS-DOS applications and networks. If you are loading a lot of devices into UMBs, you should add WIN= statements to the EMM386.EXE line of the CONFIG.SYS (to identify memory location). For example: