C Sharp

Single-Use and Multiuse Attributes

You can use AttributeUsage to define attributes as either single-use or multiuse. This decision pertains to how many times a single attribute can be used on a single field. By default, all attributes are single-use, meaning that compiling the following results in a compiler error: -

using System;
using System.Reflection;
public class SingleUseAttribute : Attribute
    public SingleUseAttribute(String str)
// ERROR: This results in a "duplicate attribute" compiler error.
class MyClass
class SingleUseApp
    public static void Main()

To fix this problem, specify on the AttributeUsage line that you want to allow the attribute to be attached multiple times to a given type. This would work: -

using System;
using System.Reflection;
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All, AllowMultiple=true)]
public class SingleUseAttribute : Attribute
    public SingleUseAttribute(String str)
class MyClass
class MultiUseApp
    public static void Main()

A practical example of where you might want to use this approach is with the RegistryKeyAttribute attribute discussed in "Defining Attributes." Because it's conceivable that a field might be saved in multiple places in the Registry, you would attach the AttributeUsage attribute with the AllowMultiple named parameter as in the code here.