Serialization allows you to export the contents of your objects (such as the variables) as a primitive data type. What can you do with this primitive data type? Well, you can use it to re-create that object in another environment-maybe in another process, maybe in another machine. All you need is the class for the object you have serialized to support the repopulation of its internal variables from this primitive data type. The process of serialization has tremendous performance advantages in that we can completely transfer an object to another machine and then utilize the object natively in that environment without incurring the tremendous performance cost that is inherent in accessing objects across machine boundaries.
The cRecordset object stores its data and state internally in four arrays. The Serialize property supports exposing these arrays to and receiving them from the outside world, so transferring a recordset from one physical tier to another is simply a matter of using the Serialize property on the cRecordset. Here's an example:
Dim oRec As New cRecordset Dim oDAL As New cDAL ' Assume this DAL is on another machine. oRec.Serialize = oDAL.OpenRecordset("Employees").Serialize Set oDAL = Nothing MsgBox oRec.RecordCount
Now we have a recordset that can live independently. It can even be passed to another machine and then updated by a DAL on that machine, if required.
Locking a Recordset
We need to keep track of whether the data on the central data source has changed since we made our copy. This is the job of one of the arrays inside the cRecordset, known affectionately as the CRUD array.
The CRUD array indicates whether this row has been Created, Updated, Deleted, or just plain old Read. Also stored is a globally unique identifier (GUID) for this particular row. This unique identifier must be automatically updated when a row is modified on the data source. These two parameters are used by the DAL in the UpdateRecordset method to determine whether a row needs updating and whether this row has been modified by someone since the client received the recordset. This process is a form of software locking, although it could be internally implemented just as easily using timestamps (if a given data source supports them).