Table A-1 Variables Prefixes
Prefix | Data Type |
byt | Byte |
b | Boolean |
cur | Currency |
d | Double |
dte | Date |
f | Single |
hf | File handle (Long) |
hwnd | Window handle (Long) |
h(... lowercase) | Handle to something (Long) |
l | Long |
n | Integer |
o | Object |
s | String |
v | Variant |
Table A-2 Modifiers and Special Types Prefixes
Prefix | Data Type |
a | Array <of another type> |
C | Class or class instance |
t | User-defined type or instance |
e | Enumerated type or instance |
p | Pointer (used with API calls) |
pcb | Pointer to a callback function (used with AddressOf) |
Table A-3 Data Objects: DAO Prefixes
Prefix | Visual Basic Data Type |
bk | SelBookmarks |
ct | Container |
db | Database |
dc | Document |
ds | Dynaset |
er | Errors |
fd | Field |
gp | Group |
ix | Index |
pa | Parameter |
pr | Property |
qd | QueryDef |
rs | Recordset |
rl | Relation |
ss | Snapshot |
tb | Table |
td | TableDef |
us | User |
wk | Workspace |
Table A-4 Data Objects: RDO Prefixes
Prefix | Visual Basic Data Type |
rdoEng | rdoEngine |
rdoEnv | rdoEnvironment |
rdoConn | rdoConnection |
rdoTbl | rdoTable |
rdoCol | rdoColumn |
rdoPrepS | rdoPreparedStatement |
rdoParam | rdoParameter |
rdoRS | rdoResultset |
rdoErr | rdoError |
Table A-5 Controls Prefixes
Prefix | Control Type Description |
ani | Animation button |
bed | Pen BEdit |
cbo | Combobox/Dropdown Listbox |
chk | Checkbox |
clp | Picture Clip |
cmd | Command Button |
com | Communications |
dat | Data Control |
dir | Directory Listbox |
dlg | Common dialog |
drv | Drive Listbox |
fil | File Listbox |
fra | Frame |
frm | Form |
gau | Gauge |
gpb | Group Pushbutton |
gra | Graph |
grd | Grid |
hed | Pen HEdit |
hsb | Horizontal scroll bar |
img | Image |
ink | Pen Ink |
key | Keyboard key status |
lab | Label |
lin | Line |
lst | Listbox |
mci | MCI |
mnu | Menu |
mpm | MAPI Message |
mps | MAPI Session |
ole | OLE Client |
opt | Option Button |
Prefix | Control Type Description |
out | Outline Control |
pic | Picture |
pnl | 3D Panel |
rdc | Remote Data Control |
shp | Shape |
spn | Spin Control |
tab | SS Tab Control |
tmr | Timer |
txt | Textbox |
vsb | Vertical scroll bar |
iml | ImageList |
lvw | ListView |
pbr | ProgressBar |
rtf | RichTextBox |
sld | Slider |
sbr | StatusBar |
tab | Tabstrip |
tbr | Toolbar |
tvw | TreeView |
Table A-6 Data-Bound Controls Prefixes
Prefix | Control Type Description |
dbcbo | Databound Combobox/Dropdown Listbox |
dblst | Databound Listbox |
dbgrd | Databound Grid |