MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: Multipart/Related; boundary=biztalk_document_boundary; type=text/xml; start="<po.xml@Northwindtraders.com>" Content-Description: This is the optional message description. -- biztalk_document_boundary Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8 Content-ID: <po.xml@Northwindtraders.com> <?xml version='1.0' ?> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:xsi= "http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema/instance" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope" xsi:schemaLocation= "http://www.northwindtraders.com/schemas/NorthwindPOSchema.xsd"> <SOAP-ENV:Header xsi:type="NorthwindHeader"> <!--BizTags begin here --> <dlv:delivery SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:dlv="http://schema.biztalk.org/btf-2-0/delivery" xmlns:agr="uri/of/agreement"> <!-- Delivery and properties header entries omitted for brevity --> <fst:manifest xmlns:fst= "http://schema.biztalk.org/btf-2-0/manifest"> <fst:reference fst:uri="#Purchase_Order"> <fst:description>Ppurchase order for Northwind </fst:description> </fst:reference> <fst:reference fst:uri="CID:po.jpg@Northwindtraders.com"> <fst:description>Scanned image of the contract </fst:description> </fst:reference> </fst:manifest> <!--BizTags end here --> </SOAP-ENV:Header> <SOAP-ENV:Body xsi:type="NorthwindBody"> <m:UpdatePO xmlns:m= "http://www.northwindtraders.com/schemas/NPOSchema.xsd"> <!-SOAP document containing PO enclosed ends here --> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> -- biztalk_document_boundary Content-Type: image/jpeg Content-ID: <CID:po.jpg@Northwindtraders.com > ...JPEG image... --biztalk_document_boundary
The Content-Type tag identifies this document as a Multipart MIME document. The boundary parameter defines the boundaries between different documents in the MIME document. The start parameter is required for a BizTalk message and refers to the document that will be processed first. For a BizTalk message, the start parameter will always refer to the SOAP document. The value for the start parameter should always be equal to the Content-ID tag's value for the SOAP element. The Content-ID tags are used to identify the different sections of the document and are therefore required for every section. The manifest element's child element reference uses a URI to identify the non-SOAP elements of the document. The Content-ID for these non-SOAP elements must be equal to these URIs. The SOAP document must be included in the root of the MultiPart MIME document. MIME documents can have a charset parameter, but this parameter should not be used for BizTalk messages.