XSLT Functions

There are numerous XSLT functions that give information about nodes in a collection. The Microsoft XML parser 2.0 only supports the node-set function.

XSLT Functions

Name Description

current ()

Returns the current context node.

document (object, node-set)

Allows access to XML documents other than the main source document. This function is not supported in the Internet Explorer 5 DOM.

element-available (string)

Returns true if the expanded-name is the name of an instruction. If the expanded-name has a namespace URI equal to the XSLT namespace URI, then it refers to an element defined by XSLT. Otherwise, it refers to an extension element. If the expanded-name has a null namespace URI, the element-available function will return false. It can be used with the choose and if elements. This function is not supported in the Internet Explorer 5 DOM.

format-number (number, string, string)

Converts its first argument to a string using the format pattern string specified by the second argument and the decimal-format named by the third argument, or the default decimal-format, if there is no third argument. The format pattern string is in the syntax specified by the JDK 1.1 DecimalFormat class.* This function is not supported in the Internet Explorer 5 DOM.

generate-id (node-set)

Returns a string that uniquely identifies the node in the argument node-set that is first in document order. This function is not supported in the Internet Explorer 5 DOM.

key (string, object)

Selects items by a key and returns all the nodes with the specified key.

system-property (string)

Returns an object representing the value of the system property identified by the name. If there is no such system property, the empty string should be returned.

unparsed-entity-uri (string)

Returns the URI of the unparsed entity with the specified name in the same document as the context node. This function is not supported in the Internet Explorer 5 DOM.

function-available (string)

Returns true if and only if the expanded-name is the name of a function in the function library. It can be used with the choose and if elements. This function is not supported in the Internet Explorer 5 DOM.

* See java.sun.com/products/jdk/1.1/docs/api/java.text.DecimalFormat.html for information on the class DecimalFormat.