MS Word

Turn Off Error Reporting

I've sent Microsoft an error report 50 times about the same error in Word, but I haven't received a response. I don't need to see these useless error-reporting prompts again.

The Solution:

Turn off error reporting for Word. Press Windows Key+Break (or open the Start menu, right-click My Computer, and click Properties) to display the System Properties dialog box. Click the Advanced tab, and then click Error Reporting.

In the Error Reporting dialog box (see Figure 2-10), you can select the Disable Error Reporting option to turn off all error reporting. However, it's usually more useful to click the Choose Programs button, click the Add button at the bottom of the dialog box, and add each program for which you want to disable error reporting. Type the name of the executable file for Wordwinword.exeor click the Browse button and browse to it. Click the OK button to close each of the four open dialog boxes.

Figure 2-10. If Word keeps crashing with the same error, you can turn off error reporting.