In the Tools panel, select the Line tool. On the Stage, draw four vertical lines from the hexagon to the stroke copies that you dragged down, as shown in the following illustration:
Select and add a different fill color
You can use the Paint Bucket tool to change an existing color and to fill empty areas surrounded by lines. You'll use the Paint Bucket tool to add a fill color to the empty areas of your drawing.
In the Tools panel, select the Paint Bucket tool. In the colors area, click the Fill Color control and select blue with the hexadecimal value of #3366FF.
On the Stage, click within the lines to add the selected color to the empty areas, as shown in the following illustration:
Group the shape
You can manipulate the stroke and fill of a shape as separate entities, as you did earlier, or you can group the stroke with the fill to manipulate the shape as a single graphic, which you'll do now.
With the Selection tool, drag around the shape to select both the stroke and the fill. Select Modify > Group.
Click the fill area and move the shape around the left side of the Stage, as desired, to place it.