
Create Two Sets of Slices in One Pie Chart

Most people think pie charts are limited to a single set of values, but here is a way to create a pie chart based on two columns of values.

It is tricky to see two series of values charted on separate axes within one chart, but the effect is well worth the effort. To see how this works, follow these steps:

  1. Put some data in the range A1:C5.
    • Column A: labels for the pie chart slices.
    • Column B: numeric values for the Data Set A.
    • Column C: numeric values for the Data Set B.
  2. Select that A1:C5 range, go to the Insert tab, click on the Pie chart drop-down in Charts group, and choose the type of pie chart you want.
  3. Right-click on the chart and choose Format Data Series.
  4. Make sure the Series Options icon is selected.
  5. Select the Secondary Axis option
  6. Increase the Pie Explosion value to move all the slices of the secondary axis away from the center of the chart.

You’ll get the chart shown in the figure:

Pie chart set up from worksheet data

By exploding the pie, you will not only separate the two axes, revealing the second pie chart but also compress the pie chart plotted on the secondary axis, allowing you to see both charts.

Now, select each slice of pie in turn and drag them back to the center of the pie, producing the chart shown in the figure below. Remember that two slow clicks will highlight an individual piece of the pie.

Pie chart with exploded secondary axis

Join all the pieces of the pie again, and you will have a fully functional pie chart plotting two series of data on separate axes. Now you can color and format accordingly.

Completed pie chart containing two pies

Charts and Graphs