
Finding values and keys in arrays

Check if a value or key exists in the array with in_array and array_key_exists functions respectively. Search the array by value and get first or all corresponding keys from the array with array_search and array_keys functions.

  1. in_array(): Check if a value exists in the array
  2. array_search(): Search the array by value
  3. array_keys(): Search the array by value
  4. array_key_exists(): Check if a key or index exists in the array
  5. array_values(): Get all the values of an array


in_array(mixed $needle, array $haystack, bool $strict = false): bool

The in_array() function returns true if an array $haystack contains a specific value $needle. The following example searches the array of integers $smallPrimes for the integer 19:

 $smallPrimes = array(3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29);
 if (in_array(19, $smallPrimes))
  echo "19 is a small prime number"; // Always printed

A third, optional argument can be passed that enforces a strict type check when comparing each element with the needle. In the following example in_array() by default returns true; however, with strict type checking, the string "19" doesn’t match the integer 19 held in the array and returns false:

 $smallPrimes = array(3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29);
 if (in_array('19', $smallPrimes, true))
  echo "19 is a small prime number"; // NOT printed
array_search ( mixed $needle,
               array $haystack,
               bool $strict = false): int|string|false

The array_search( ) function works the same way as the in_array( ) function, except the key of the matching value $needle is returned rather than the Boolean value true. However, if the value isn’t found, array_search( ) returns false.

The following code shows how array_search( ) works with both associative and indexed arrays:

 $measure = array("inch"=>1, "foot"=>12, "yard"=>36);
 echo array_search(12, $measure); //foot

 $units = array("inch", "centimeter", "chain", "furlong");
 echo array_search("chain", $units); //2

Because array_search( ) returns a mixed result: the Boolean value false if the value isn’t found or the array key of the matching element. A problem is encountered when the first element is found in an indexed array, PHP’s automatic type conversion treats the value 0, the index of the first element, as false in a Boolean expression.

Care must be taken with functions, such as array_search(), that return a result or the Boolean value false to indicate when a result can’t be determined. If the return value is used as a Boolean (in an expression or as a Boolean parameter to a function) a valid result may be automatically converted to false. If such a function returns 0, 0.0, "c", an empty string, or an empty array, PHP’s automatic type conversion converts the result to false when a Boolean value is required.

The correct way to test the result is to use the is-identical operator ===, as shown in the following example:

 $units = array("inch", "centimeter", "chain", "furlong");
 $index = array_search("inch", $units);
 if ($index === false)
  echo "Unknown unit: inch";
  // OK to use $index
  echo "Index = $index";

This function returns the first corresponding key for a given value, if you want to find all corresponding keys use array_keys() function instead.


/* Syntax # 1
returns all the keys from the array.*/
 array_keys(array $array): array

/*Syntax # 2
searches the array for a value and returns a subset of the keys from the array*/
 array_keys(array $array, mixed $search_value,
            bool $strict = false): array

This function returns all the keys of an array. If the optional $search_value argument is specified, you can get the keys for that particular value.

Example: Get all the keys from the array

 $a = ['red','blue','red','green','one'=>1, 'two'=>2];
 $keys = array_keys($a);
 /* prints: 
    [0] => 0
    [1] => 1
    [2] => 2
    [3] => 3
    [4] => one
    [5] => two

Example: Search array by value and get corresponding keys

The following code shows how array_keys( ) works with both associative and indexed arrays:

 $a = ['red','blue','red','green','one'=>1, 'two'=>2];
 $keys = array_keys($a, 'red'); //[0,2]

 $b = ['one'=>'one', 1=>'one', 2=>'two'];
 $k = array_keys($b, 'one'); //['one',1]

Similar to in_array() and array_search() functions, a third, optional argument can be passed that enforces a strict type check when comparing each element with the needle.


 array_key_exists(string|int $key, array $array): bool

The array_key_exists() function returns true if an array $array contains a specific key $key. The following example searches the array $numbers for the key two:

 //Associative array
 $numbers = ['one'=>1, 'two'=>2, 'three'=>3, 'four'=>'four'];
 if ( array_key_exists('two', $numbers) )
  echo 'The key "two" exists in the array $numbers';
  echo 'Key not found';

/* Prints:
The key "two" exists in the array $numbers;

Key can be any value possible for an array index:

 //Indexed array
 $arr = ['a','b','c',1,2,3];
 if ( array_key_exists(2, $arr) )
  echo 'The index key 2 value is: '.$arr[2];
  echo 'Key not found';

/* Prints:
 The index key 2 value is: c


 array_values(array $array): array

This function returns an indexed array with all the values of the original array. See Example:

      //associative array
 $a = ['one'=>1, 'two'=>2, 'three'=> 3];

      //returns an indexed array
 $b = array_values($a);

    [0] => 1
    [1] => 2
    [2] => 3

Working with arrays: